Sunday, March 28, 2010

Intrepreting Islam from a feminist perspective by myself

Sally Mine wrote:
نعم أدمنت حبك

أدمنت عطفك

أدمنت حنانك




أدمنتك أنت

بكل أفعالك

أنت الذي أنسى معه حياتي

أنت الذي أنسى معه جراحي

أنت الذي أنسى معه آلامي

أنسى غربتي ، أنسى بكائي

أشعر بك تأخذني إلى عالم آخر

عالم لا يعرف حزن ولا ألم

عالم لا يعرف غدر ولا خيانة

عالم جميل بكل معنى الكلمة

عالم كبير لا يوجد به غيرنا

نشعر بأمان كامل فيه

لا كذب ولا خداع

لا ألم ولا أحزان

أي حروف تقدمها لي

أي كلام تخدر جروحي به

أي حنان تغمرني به

أشعر بكل حرف يجتاح كياني

بكل كلمة تقتل أحزاني

أرى الفرح يزرع في قلبي

تسقيه من رحيق حبك وحنانك

أراه يكبر يوما بعد يوم

أشعر بأفراحي وأقتل أحزاني

أشكرك حبيبي فلولاك

لما استطعت التخلص من أحزاني

أرجوك حبيبي أعطني المزيد من حبك

أعطني أكثر لا تخف لن أموت

كم هو جميل أن أموت بحبك

لو كان الإنسان يختار موته

لاخترت حبك دون تردد

فالموت في حبك هو الحياة


Kern Delon :Beautiful mine, when is it to be yours?

Sally Mine: what do u mean kern?

Kern Delon : Is Mine your real name or is it a sally word you made up , lol

enjoy this

Sally Mine:my real name is sally but mine just nick name
merci so so so much kern u r so nice

Kern Delon:Who is the pic of in your profile Sally?

Sally Mine:Beauty queen

Kern Delon:Who is she? Do you know her personally? Do you want to live her life is that why you choose her? Is your life unsatisfactory?

Sally Mine: no i don't know her personal but in her image i see my self

Kern Delon:What do you see Sally?

Sally Mine : calm
pure emotion
different emotion

Kern Delon:But she can reveal herself and you cannot , the one thing that she has that you have not clued into that makes life worthwhile is freedom to choose, and this lady choose in a Muslim world where there is no choice, that is a hero, a remarkable brave person , not a coward. Do you see that Sally also?

Sally Mine:she is not muslim

Kern Delon: Sally you read the Quran verse 3 of Surah al-Maeda

This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion. Sally in the day of judgment in Allah's court we are all مسلمة and مسلم

Sally Mine :i love my religion so so much and i am proud to be Muslim

Kern Delon: Ash-hadu an laa ilaha illa-lah
Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah

"I bear witness there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness, Muhammad is His final messenger".

Sally this I publicly testify that the greatest man who ever lived was the Prophet Mohammed pbuhn, does this make me a kafir because I choose to think different and why are you so sure your way is the only and correct way, Sally. Allah is too BIG for the human mind of a single person including the Prophet pbuhn,a tribe of Arabs and Jews, a country Saudi Arabia and Palestine , a continent , the Middle East , a planet Earth , a galaxy the Milky Way, a cosmos and a universe .

Sally Mine:of course u r right

Kern Delon: Put this into service of your neighbors change yourself and then affect change in those around you, be seeking those that Allah would seek and be a light bearer to those in darkness a carrier of water to those who thirst a friend to the friendless and a hewer of wood to those without fire or food. But your service must begin and end with love in your heart Sally otherwise it is just stage performance for the eyes of human and not that of Allah, who sees the heart motive. Words are cheap deeds costly!!!! Begin with using your mind to think for yourself no God wants thralldom but free will of devotion , no God wants for me to have to worship but to me I think God wants me to desire to worship,my choosing freely Sally Mine.

Sally Mine:no God wants I have to worship but I desire to worship,what do u mean?

Kern Delon:This is I have to worship
I put a gun or sword at you neck and I say to you say :
Ash-hadu an laa ilaha illa-lah
Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah

This is I desire to worship:

It is three AM in the morning ,and my body is awake , my mind is calling to Allah and I have a yearning in my heart to do salat, I get out of bed , it is dark and everyone is asleep , I was my self and I take out my prayer mat and I do my salat in silence and quietude, none sees and knows except the night and the Divine, to miss this for a single morning , I feel unclean , hungry and unfulfilled, my heart is heavy my soul is yearning for my worship with Allah.

This is food to my soul water to my parched spirit , light in the darkness of my ignorance, the breathe through the flute of my body making a joyous utterance to my Creator , the flute in the hand of Allah, making wonderful music with my life to be a blessing to others and be blessed inshallah.

Sally Mine: r u muslim ???

Kern Delon:Yes I am Sally, if you mean do I believe
Ash-hadu an laa ilaha illa-lah
Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah

My father side is Muslim and Roman Catholic, my mother's side is Canadian Presbyterian Christian, I am comfortable in both mosque, church, mandir and synagogue , and I live in a predominantly Hindu village in Trinidad. In Vancouver BC I live in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood,and here in Trinidad most of my friends and business acquaintances are mostly Sunni Muslims, some are Shia Muslims, a few are Ismail Muslims and some are Sufi Muslims. In Vancouver it is as well an eclectic mixture.

Are you a practicing Muslim woman for the eyes of Allah or for that of people watching you. If you had choice and lived in a society where you can choose how to worship would you do what you were born into or develop your own path to Allah and the words of the Bible/Quran, Sally?

Sally Mine:if i have a choice i will stay as i am at every thing

Kern Delon:I admire you Sally , you have found the end of the journey of life at the very beginning of it and hence have contentment of heart and the fire of desire is quelled in your heart and mind as you feed upon what is on the table of your parents and their parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents and this you shall also serve top your progeny inshallah, to change this would be wrong, unless your Iman says otherwise, he is the thinking and you are the arms and legs of the mullah's wishes and choices. Que Sera, Sera

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