Sunday, March 21, 2010

A conversation between XY & XX gender of the homo sapiens species

She: But I am just a simple girl.

I : Never yet has a daughter of Eve being simple , XX chromosomes are
themselves the beginning of complexity. I lived in an Islamic state
and among fanatics and saw the insanity of fascism and theocracy, I
live in a christian democratic state and among neo conservative
Christian fanatics and saw the insanity of fascism and theocracy. My
God is not in both, and never will be anywhere except within me and
within you, for that is where the pure mosque and church and mandir is
truly , in all of life , but more so in human life , its the sexism of
tribalism and power that calls for us to forget our commonness and seek
to find our differences so that we are fodder for the "thinkers &
leaders", bullshit, bullshit, I am an Imam, A preacher , A prophet, for
God is in me and I in God, I have nothing to be ashamed or fearful in
this world except for me to not love and help my neighbor. Who is my
neighbor , you and you and you and you and You.

She: If religion is believing to do as one would like done to oneself as onto our neighbor and it makes us both better persons then it's a good thing. I have great desire to have a discussion about that, but I'm not going to do that.

I : But at least your thinking.

She: But of course my friend, smile

I:Of course is a very rare event in the lives of most, to think is something that authorities prefer you leave with them, as thinking means anti-thesis, in the Hegelian sense , and therefore as a matter of fact since untruth lies with authority hence the reason for their existence, their thesis is nonfactual and in most instances dissimilitude in order to maintain status quo, I like that you refer me as friend the second most powerful word in any language uttered by humans, the first is hello, friend!

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