Thursday, June 18, 2009

"Non-Indian will never led UNC"

Dear Mr. Shah,

I read your article "Non-Indian will never led UNC" in the Trinidad Express April 29, 2001. I found it to be an interested commentary and would like to know how much of it is composed of facts and how much from personal invectives.

My caption calls upon you to compose a path forward, now that we know the sky's blue and the earth is not flat, how can this nation state gather rewards for its present and future citizens and what do you forsee the costs to be?

You may contritely answer that healing begins with first recognizing there is illness but then what?

It behooves me to ask you what is your true agenda? Are you a vanguard of reformation , or are you part of a historic artifact of an "what if" that occurred more that three decades ago? You seem to succinctly calibrated and refined your dosage of hemlock as to what the "real" power centric ego motivation of the current Prime Minister Mr. Panday is, but to what end ?

Are you planning to step forward as the new Moses for the 21first century? Do you have the vision, single-mindedness , wisdom thickskined, ruthlessness and diplomatic finesse to lead and empower for the betterment?

Who do you really represent , Mr. Shah and why should you be entrusted with a pan-national mandate? Are you a guns or butter man or a hybrid of both polarities?

Where is your thoughts on good governing and what value system is it premised on for this heterogeneous, pluralistic and mass "politically uneducated" citizenry as you allude to in your writing?

Many persons much wiser than myself have often called us not to focus on answers which ebb and flow as the tidal changes in Mayaro's beaches, but to find clarity, accuracy and brevity in the questions you ask of your self and others. It is the latter which remain as constant as the northern star.

Macavilli, Bentham, Lenin, Sun Tzu, Lao Tzu, Von Clauswitz, Paine,Montesquie and Mill tried to define the ideal relationship of that carnal trinity of leader to statehood to the individual. It seems to be all Solon's Greek to me.

Your published response is appreciated.

Yours respectfully,
Adrian Matadeen
Old Boy of Naparima Class of 1987
Vancouver , BC Canada

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