Sunday, November 14, 2010

Either the door is open or it is close

It behooves to ask oneself as a citizen in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago what exactly is the best government policy to meet the commonweal. There are only two approaches philosophically :

1. The citizenry of Trinidad and Tobago , you and I are clueless , blind , naked and helpless and require a paternalistic , benevolence that requires our government to penetrate and control all aspects of our living while allowing the illusion of independence , yet not an actual experience. This means that the government is the largest employer , the center of innovation and research, policing all areas of living through state apparatus through a centralized command and control plenary of technocrats and politically friends of the government. This is known as Big Brother and more government is better and socialism and the right of the collective is assumed to be the doing of this type of government.

2. The citizenry of Trinidad and Tobago , you and I are empowered and alert to opportunities and have the wherewith all to exploit such opportunities that allows the individuals of action to thrive and amass great wealth. All requirements for daily living and thriving is in the hands of entrepreneurs who are sensitive to free market competition and the feet votes. The fickleness of consumer loyalty requires that the best is there for the most competitive market price. Change is the name of the game and the casualty count of failure is high as the weak died and the strong lives off the carcasses of failure like the corbeau, scavenging and nothing goes to waste. Less government is more, the private sector is powerful and if the state can craft its revenue collection to be effective , one finds the treasury is amply filled, it is a rich , good , peace society . This type of government thrives on individualism and objectivism.

3. As a politician which of the two gives you the bigger stick , of course the first , cui bono? Politicians are basically legislators , makers of laws and bankers of our national budget. The first system allows the politicians to be everything but a law maker and a banker, to deal making etc. The second system permits the spotlight on good legislation because basically that is all you as a politician is going to be doing, and the second is going out there to insure that your revenue collection system is fair and effective .

4. Which is best for Trinidad and Tobago? I believe that the bewitchment of the first is too great like the Ring of all rings in the Tolkien trilogy Lord of the Rings, to weld that type of power only the simple hearted and those close to nature can carry it and then to ill effect and great pain, but never a political creature be it military or elected by popular vote as our modern politicians and leaders. Truly in my opinion , I am certain that only the second can save Trinidad and Tobago from our politicians and the apparatchik of the existing technological state. But does this GORTT have the gravitas to throw the Ring into the fire, does Karmala have the strenghth of will , does Jack have it , Vasant the inner strengths , how about Carol, what about Keith or Colin , sitting across , Max , what about Max in his sunset and doting years , can he have the presence of mind to design and act in a manner that less is more with respect to the presence and prevalence of Government/state, in the office of President. Had ANR been around knowing what he knows now I believe he could have given the smaller government is better republicanism a viable go , but who is of that clothe in the current pool we have elected /appointed.

5. Why is it necessary to have this discussion now ? There is no time left to correct mistakes, this is it , the next 60 months is going to have an incredible and indelible effect on the society and sovereignty we understand to be Trinidad & Tobago, please do not think that the former Government under Mr.manning where not cognizant of this fact , and owed up to the fact that within and without they were indeed powerless and failing as actors of change , things had gone awry to far for recovery , it was time for change. It is my hope that the change is not going to be more of the same, otherwise the sacrifice of the former government would have been wasted however the blame game would have been deflected to this POP government. Ingenious , brilliant and Machavillian strategy by Mr.Manning , well done.

6. The path forward calls for dismantling the non-core activities of the state and focus only on finances both input and output, security of state within and without, social services and of course education. There is more than enough for any body of gifted legislators to deal with in the above portfolio. Every thing else is divestiture and denationalization and allow the liaise fare market forces to prevail. No Petrotrin, no First Citizen Bank, no UTC , no National Flour Mills , no WASA and no T&TEC are good starts.

Less is more will be our saving grace.


Adrian Matadeen
Vancouver BC
Trinidad WI

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