Sunday, December 5, 2010

369 is biggrer than 144

For those of us that can count :

369 is bigger than 144, whether it is black eye peas or millions of US dollars, whether you are on Cote de Azur in south of France or on Grenville Beach in south Trinidad, 369 is still bigger than 144.

I refer you to public information herewith as to why one must uphold the division between a corporation of the state board and its reporting minister , there must be a Chinese wall or else do as I advocate , less is more, what business is it of a government to be owning an airline company or a helicopter company (NHC) as a matter of fact , that is the role of the private sector, I am all for small government let it be known, a student and believer of the school of Ann Rand republican thinking.

FACT : tells us that the suggested manufacturer's cost price for the design and development of a Bombadier Dash 8 is in the range of US $13,232,000 to US $16,000,000, BRAND NEW!

FACT a used 2008 Bombardier Dash 8 Q400, of which there is 24 , is available as a fleet sale from SAS through their appointed sale agents Bombadier for the unit fleet price of less than $300 Million US .

So lets see, you can get 9 Brand new for $144 Million US or you can get 24 foreign used less than 2 years old for $300 Million US, and what is it you are asking our sober minded Board at CAL and their nonsense straight shooter businessman / Chairman Mr. George Nicholas III, who is thinking as if he, like his fellow Board members are, spending not public money but treat it as if it were their own ,which is a damn good thing! , to do what exactly, Uncle Jack?

The venerable sage of deal making Minister Warner ( Uncle Jack) et al ( read in that Captain Ian Burton ex-CEO), knows that Mr.Robert Corbie the acting CEO at CAL is a numbers man , ie is on the commercial side of the business , sees that 9 ATR-78 seat aircraft for $369 Million US total deal package plus carrying cost of a further $20 Million US gives us a WHOPPING $389 Million US cannot make sense no way how you twist it, but yet it pass this Cabinet , yes , it pass Cabinet, and THIS IS BORROWED MONEY !

Mr.Colville Carrington and Mr.Avery Brown at CAL to veterans of the BWIA legacy procurement process at CAL , the former is the engineer guiding the CEO and board as to the technical ,cost benefit of operating and safety mandates of a particular aircraft , the latter a practitioner of transparent practices as per company policy approved by the Board for aircraft procurement are both unable to shed light as to why this Cabinet chose one over the other, these two certainly did not produce a report to the Cabinet or the then CEO Captain Burton saying ATR superior to DasH 8-400Q as far as I know . The only fact known in this fiasco is that 369 is bigger than 144.

And furthermore there are some like myself , who personally rather have for CAL under full manufacturer warranty 24 foreign use Dash 8-400Q than 9 new brand ATR-78 and still have $89 Million US less to finance.

In closing , I encourage CAL's chairman and board and acting CEO to keep up the good work Mr.Nicholas, Mr.Corbie , Mr.Carrington & Mr.Brown. Back of the class, I say to Captain Burton and those who sat down in that Cabinet cabal and authorized-in this madness with ATR, give us their names , who was the Cabinet quorum that signed off this when there was no CAL Board to say hey wait a minute , 369 is bigger than 144., tell us their names, we know of one for sure is Uncle Jack who are the others and Cui Bono? Aunty Kamala is going to cut they backside, licks shelling like peas, and it good for them.

Adrian Matadeen


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