Saturday, November 27, 2010

Its questions not answers , that's the key by Prof.Bob Simons

1. Who Is Your Primary Customer?

The first imperative—and the heart of every successful strategy implementation—is allocating resources to customers. Continuously competing demands for resources—from business units, support functions and external partners—require a method for judging whether the allocation choices you have made are optimal.

Therefore, the most critical strategic decision for any business is determining who it is you are trying to serve. Clearly identifying your primary customer will allow you to devote all possible resources to meeting their needs and minimize resources devoted to everything else. This is the path to competitive success.

It's easy to try to duck the tough choice implied by the adjective primary by responding that you have more than one type of customer. This answer is a guaranteed recipe for underperformance: the competitor that has clarity about its primary customer and devotes maximum resources to meet their specific needs will beat you every time.
2. How Do Your Core Values Prioritize Shareholders, Employees, and Customers?

Along with identifying a primary customer, you must also define your core values in a way that ranks the priority of shareholders, employees, and customers. Value statements that are lists of aspirational behaviors aren't good enough. Real core values indicate whose interest comes first when faced with difficult trade-offs.

Prioritizing core values should be the second pillar of your business strategy. For some companies, shareholders come first. For others, it may be employees. In other companies, it may be customers. There is no right or wrong, but choosing is necessary. To illustrate this point, I'll contrast Merck's $20 billion decision to pull Vioxx from the market with Pfizer's decision to continue marketing Celebrex.
3. What Critical Performance Variables Are You Tracking?

Once you're confident that the foundation of your implementation is sound—you've allocated resources correctly and provided guidance for tough decisions—it's time to get everyone who works for you focused on the job at hand.

Tracking performance goals—the third implementation imperative—requires you to set the right goals, assign accountability, and monitor performance. It's easy to fail this imperative by focusing on the wrong performance indicators or monitoring scorecards that have an overload of irrelevant measures. Underperformance is the result.

It's your job to ensure that your managers are tracking the right things by singling out those variables that spell the difference between strategic success and failure. Like the preceding two questions, the focus in this question is again on an adjective, this time the word critical. I will show you a simple but counterintuitive technique that you can use to be sure you're tracking the right things, and I will describe how companies such as Nordstrom and Apple illustrate some unorthodox performance measurement choices that provide the pathway to superior results.
4. What Strategic Boundaries Have You Set?

Every strategy brings with it the risk that an individual's actions will pull the business off course. Here again, it's easy to fail to inoculate the business against this risk. As we will see, the trick is in setting clear boundaries.

Controlling strategic risk is the fourth implementation imperative. Strategic boundaries—which are always stated in the negative—ensure that the entrepreneurial initiative of your employees aligns with the desired direction of the business. Strategic boundaries can also protect you from the types of errant actions that destroyed Enron and brought financial service firms such as Fannie Mae and Lehman Brothers to their knees.
5. How Are You Generating Creative Tension?

Once you're satisfied that you are tracking the right performance goals and controlling strategic risk, it's time to turn to the fifth implementation imperative: spurring innovation. This imperative is woven into the fabric of every healthy organization, and we all know that companies that fail to innovate will eventually die. No company is immune.

But sustaining ongoing innovation in organizations is notoriously difficult. People fall into comfortable habits, sticking with what they know and rejecting things that cause them to change their ways.

To overcome such inertia, you must push people out of their comfort zones and spur them to innovate. I will provide a menu of techniques you can use to generate creative tension to ensure that everyone is thinking and acting like a winning competitor.
6. How Committed Are Your Employees to Helping Each Other?

For most companies, it's critically important to build norms so that people will help each other succeed—especially when you're asking people to innovate. But there are exceptions. Some organizations can, and should, be built on self-interest, with every man or woman working for him- or herself.

I suspect that the choice between commitment to help others and self-interest is deeply ingrained in your organization, yet has never been discussed. But if you haven't addressed this choice explicitly—and worked to make it happen—you have increased the potential that your strategy implementation will fail.

Building commitment is the sixth implementation imperative. I will offer a menu of techniques to foster commitment to achieving shared goals. Or, if rewarding self-interest is more appropriate for your business, I will explore alternative approaches you should employ.
7. What Strategic Uncertainties Keep You Awake at Night?

No matter how good your current strategy is, it won't work forever. There will be booms and busts, customer preferences will change, competitors will introduce new products, and disruptive new technologies will emerge in unexpected places.

This brings us to the final implementation imperative: adapting to change. Adapting is critical to survival, but it's extremely difficult to do. With change constantly surrounding us, employees often do not know where to look or how to respond.

I will consider the techniques that companies such as Johnson & Johnson use to search for new information and ideas as markets inevitably change. Your personal attention is the critical catalyst to focus your entire organization on the strategic uncertainties that keep you awake at night. After all, everyone watches what the boss watches. I will discuss how you can use this principle to guide the emergence of new strategies for the future.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Salting the hay to make the mule drink at the water hole

Dear Financial Team for GORTT & amicus curiae

It is of grave concern to me given that I am promoting TnT since my return for CHOGM 2009 for Foreign Direct Investment and / or technology transfer with the goal of creating high paying jobs and in global competitive market for example :

(1) in the HC industry ( O&G integration) a Porter Diamond model ( Prof.Porter is coming to Trinidad on March 2011) we called COGIC Ltd submitted to the Ministry Energy & Energy Initiatives (MEEI) and Ministry of Finance (MoF),

(2) Freshwater Aquafarming using world leaders of Prof.Ramnarine at UWI and Dr.Cohen APT/University of Tel Avi to plan and execute submitted to Ministry of Food Production and Agriculture ,

(3) Renewable Energy (tidal, wind & solar) manufacturing facilities submitted to MEEI and MoF partnering with world leaders such as Sulzon India, Kruger Energy Canada, Vestas Denmark and RNE UK,

(4) Submission for building a world class dredging manufacturing facility and dredging school at LABIDCO for our proprietary Cascadura for depths exceeding 150 meters partnering with America and Finland, as submitted to Ministry Public Utilities and Ministry of Transport & Works Maritime Affairs,

(5) utilizing CAMUS-ST technology from Mumbai scientist and noble prize nominated Prof.Shankar at Tata Institute of Technology/VEC for waste water treatment plants for Triniad & LAC region as submitted to Ministry of Pubkic Utilities and partnered with the Government Of India through the High Commissioner of India in Port of Spain,

(6) A central materials recovery plant for end of lifecycle recover/recycling of paper , plastics , glass, used tires from our three land fill married to a national curbside collection plan integrated with the Regional corporations garbage p/up and guidance for legislation , a "Bottle Bill" that compels both domestic and alien and their local distributors to submit to the EMA an end of life cycle recovery plan for their products and or packaging , be it battery makers ,newspaper publishers, bottlers or refrigerator manufacturers, the entire spectrum as was submitted to Ministry of Local Government & Ministry of Housing and the Environment

(7) A specialty glass manufacturing plant partnering with the likes of DOW US, Pinkerton UK and AGC Japan as submitted to MEEI.

(8) Individual Retirement Plan Account as submitted to UTC ,FI ,CBTT, PWC , JCS lawyers and MoF PS Lewis and Dhanpau et al. using the WOF Plan /LSVC structure as developed in British Columbia Canada where I reside.

(9) Development of International Financial Center following the Dubai Mercantile Exchange model for marketing HC CNG/LNG here in Trinidad rather than in Houston partnering with HRH and his UAE government as submitted to MEEI and MoF.

Now given that the above 9 active projects of www.fatzgroup .com of which I am the group managing director, is concentrated solely in this SIDS as described by my late colleague Prof Pantin UWI whose last work was on behalf which was a feasibility survey for a materials recovery facility for Trinidad & Tobago in late 2009 as requested by First Citizen Bank that had offered to ante up $3 Million US to the war chest subject to the above mentioned report by Prof.Pantin, getting in writing the then support of the line Minister Hon.Hazel Manning in the Ministry of Local Government and her then PS Ms.Cheryl Balckman and the consent of the CEO of SWMCOL the then Mr.Ray Braithwaite. All was gotten except Ms.Maning approval and hence the value preposition was shelved for "the costly Nova Scotia Plan" , subsequently Ray was fired for supporting me and Ms.Blackman transferred out of Local Government ,to be resusicated as the PS to Hon Jack Warner Minister of Transportation and Works, for supporting me and Ms.Doreen Lewis my advocate within the Local Government became silenced.

Now to CLICO the crux of this composition. I have presented a viable option to Mr.Yetming and Minister Baharath , Dr E. Williams CBTT and the PS Lewis & Dhianpaul, that is the sale of CLICO and this requires a mandate which I have requested and have yet to receive , even as I have identified two possible buyers .

The current adoption by the MoF using my colleague Milken zero coupon bond /junk bond , a seventies phenomenon for hostile takeover is both crude and wrong, plain ugly. Zero coupon bonds got Michael 25 years in jail and President Clinton's pardon had him out early. Milken has since been vindicated for his strategy as the zero coupon bond is even being discussed as a mechanism by this Minister of Finance for CLICO in 2010/2011, how the world turns .

I am familiar with the actors at the genesis of this product the likes of my fellow Canadian Mr. Campeau and Federated Stores etc, which I am even not sure the Minister of Finance is aware of unless like me he was a licenced stockbroker and capital market trader in NA. Asking Milken if this product is a fair solution to this specific CLICO problem and Michael would tell you definitely NOT. So why continue , is it the Mrs. Hazel Manning Syndrome fascination wit " Project Nova Scotia" as described above repeating itself, the scientific term is Dunning Kruger Syndrome.

Here is the plan you may want to consider if you do not want to sell in situ as this prescrition follows the Canadian Confederation Life Failure in the late 1980s while I was both a stockrbroker and life insurance agent student.

Of course Fatz and myself are there to help consult at ZERO FEE, Cui bono ? as again we have to much vested here in Trinidad to have this overhang and uncertainty in the public, not good for our business , not good at all, as you can read from above .

We recommend that getting income into the hands of CLICO holders is a good thing , as this means there is discretionary spending for the Christmas season, the plan is premised that the CLICO stakeholders need income but not necessary their principal , otherwise why put it into the financial instrument in the first place. Hence the rational of a zero coupon bond is mis-aligned to the client's need , the first rule breached , KYC, why?

No one risked averse wants principal compromised negatively , hence a 12 year 6% coupon par value bond makes better sense. THere is enough cashflow from existent assets of CLICO to cover the interest . Here is the kicker , no use reinventing the wheel , create TARP legislation

but Trini style. By that I mean create a pool venture capital high risk fund ( CLICO TOXIC ASSET POOL ,CTAP) in which you put the assets of CLICO that are the most noxious , the debt etc, and float this on the public market as if it were a junk bond , there are investors out there looking for plays like this , maybe not in a small market as Trinidad but definitely on the international market for CTAP , its strictly what it is high risk and caveat emptor, but if there is an turnaround upside it is lottery like , i.e. phenomenally hugh , like 1500% plus.

This gives the residue CLICO a new balance sheet similar to what was done to AIG , hence liquidity , as the bad debt is gone into the CTAP , the questionable investments are now in the CTAP.

The above is tedious and requires a lot of thinking through , it requires communication and reaching out to downstream FI and merchant banks in the region , it requires humilty and patience but if package properly is doable and effective, the proof is in AIG last traded at $41.76 US and 18 months ago its share value was negative .

To summarise

1. The LSVF as part of individual retirement policy initiatives planning to supplement NIS for 2045 shortfalls.
2. The IFC milestone by 2020 for Trinidad , staring with a DME model for HC trading being rehoused from Houston to Port of Spain , with the technology input of the UAE administration.
3. The raising of PPP capital through debentures by corporation sole and municipality corporation which permits tax free income to deal specificical with infrastructure and public utilities shortfall.
4.Divesture of state assets sch as Clico, Clico Investment Bank, Angostura and Hotel assets of Eteck for reposition of asset allocation to give a better ROI
5.The nationalization of alien HC upstream assets owned as a prioritry BP and then GDF Suez/IA and BG/ "PetroChina" so as to offer repatritation of outflows occur at POS which as it current .

Thank you.


Adrian Matadeen
Group Managing Director


I am aspiring to be known in history as the world's greatest Philanthropist! Your assistance is appreciated. Thank you.

Question of the decade:

Are Western Coalition countries who went into Iraq in 18 March 2003, stronger and safer now that USA has official withdrawn troops on August 21, 2010: 1.4 Million Iraqi dead ,three times that number wounded , 5200 Coalition forces dead, over 92000 coalition forces walking wounded or disabled, Iraqi property destruction estimated at $123 Billion US, total cost of war efforts estimate at $850 Billion US and counting? What is your opinion? Cui bono?

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Flush and not longer forget, H2O is precious

1. As you may know has decided to build a business
division as part of its greening strategy to deal with Waste/end of
life cycle recovery for both solids and liquids in a cost effective
and low environmental impact modeling in plant design, building and

2. We are so far successful on two fronts here in Trinidad , one is
that we have linked up with VEC in India and the other through the
Government of India our division has been able to facilitate this
relationship and have it support at the highest levels of both GORTT &
GOI as a technology transfer to the people of Trinidad& Tobago by the
people of India.

3. Our focus markets are both public and private , and for the public
we have finished with WASA , the public utility here in Trinidad &
Tobago , with a schedule to implement this technology for both
sewerage and waste water as well as we are working on a plan in place
to market this technology to most of the GORTT Corporation Sole for
industrial effluent treatment , for example Petrotrin , National
Quarries and Methanol plant to name a few.

For the private sector we see a value proposition in our
industrial giants such as the country's largest distillery , the country's
largest brewery , its only Paper Mill and of course cgaltd, hence I ask that you read
carefully he attached and revert your email reply to me within five
business days of your interest in this matter or lack of .

Thank you


Adrian Matadeen
Waste Water Treatment Division

A windy sunshine day: Fatz RNW Energy Division

Fatz RNW Energy Division

Comprised of four parts under two types of public private partnerships (PPP) : design, build operate maintain(DBOM) and build own operate and transfer (BOOT.)

1. Wind Turbines

2. PV systems

3. Solar systems

4. Tidal systems

R& D:

1. Hybrid PV/Wind systems using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for flyby wire automataion
2. Nanotechnology for PV via the Snood Effect.

Partners approached with positive response that are key relationships to develop:

Financing Institutes /eco funders
Suzlon India
Vestas Denmark
Millennium Technologies Ltd /University of Tel Avi PS1 technology for PV cells manufacturing.
THA –Cove Industrial Estate

Our Purpose :

To use resources in T&T to build a viable manufacturing facility & marketing structure for export & domestic consumption of:
(a) 15MW to 25 MW power range of Wind Turbine engine system, 8000 individual parts with zero carbon emission and kWh production of $0.03 US (3US cents/kWh) into the existent electrical grid . Lifecycle of these systems to exceed 50 years. The manufacturing competition would be coming France Dassult Group, USA GE Power , Japan Hitachi Power Systems and Germany Siemens Group. Fatz’s competitive advantage would be cost, quality and ingenuity. In fact Fatz business goals includes being the out sourcing production plant for the above mega players including Suzlon and Vestas wrt to Wind turbines.
(b) 5MW to 10MW power range of Tidal/Wave electrical engines to harness kinetic energy as a result of the gravitational effect and rotation of the moon on large bodies of water such as the ocean and sea in the creation of tidal action as well as the expansion and contraction of the earth’s crust waves in our open body waters and the effect of surface wind on these waters to create waves. Waves are to be minimum 0.5 meters in height and frequency of a minimum of five per hour to make this system viable. Tidal fluctuations to be effective must exceed 1 meter variance for the engine to work cost effectively. Again the goal is power production of $0.01 US (1 US cent)/kWh into the existent electrical grid and a lifecycle to exceed 50 years.
(c) Light industrial/Household hybrid Solar/PV /wind tri-systems utilizing AI with a life cycle of fifty years and up to 14 Ampere range, either 110 V/220V with daily kWh production of up to 100kWh capacity at a cost of $0.05US ( 5US cents) /kWh to $0.08US (8US cents) /kWh and 200 litres hot water of temperature up to 65 Celsius per hour for household use via the solar component of the tri-system.
(d) Development of the first generation PV systems using nano –carbon tubes and air pressure differential( wind) to create an electrical discharge in conjugation with Prof.Snood Phd at the Tata Institute of Material Science in India
(e) Development of the first generation PV system using PS-1 substrate technology in conjugation with University of Tel Avi /Ramoth Institute of Technology and Millennium Technologies of Israel.
(f) The manufacturing of mega solar heating systems that are premised on solar farms (minimum 12000 square meters ) using biomass oil for heat transference and Cogen power and the other system of Concentrated Solar Tower (CST) using salt or graphite /boron for heat transference and storage , which again uses Cogen technology for electrical power generation. This is in the 10MW power production range and the cost range at $0.08 US per kWh and lifecycle at 30 years.

The economic spin off for the SIDS of TnT would be in the tens of Billions dollars and job creation in the tens of thousand . The initial kicker would exploit low cost energy from the hydrocarbon base economy existent but like the thermonuclear phenomenon , the process will continue on its own “steam” pardon the pun. This business sector is in the sunrise and we forecast maturity in 2045, more than thirty years from know carrying TnT beyond the critical 2026 marker of exhaustion of HC as a commercial entity , if using current consumption rates of 2010.

The recently signed document with respect to Carbon tax offset gives us great hope, but that is another story of opportunity that requires its own business proposal.


Land: 200 hectares
Capital: $150 Million US
Labour : Post graduate , Engineers and technical specialty skills & crafts example CNC , molders and sculptors in clay, wax and wood modelling
Energy : to cost $0.06 US per kWh
Water : minimum 350,000 L of clean water non-potable.
Deep water harbor access
Tax concessions /holiday for nascent industry
Ministerial exemption permits for equipment and personnel
Access to electrical infrastructure/grid and forward contract of power purchase that allows minimum 25% GPM.
Waste water treatment recovery plant.
Low cost raw materials , plastics , steel , aluminum , silica , nickel, silver and copper.

Market :
LAC region
Est .Revenue forecast $200 Mil US to $450 Mil US per annum
Est. ROI 23% pre carbon tax credit 55% carbon tax credit adjusted

Financial Scheme:

Grant and bond

20% Grant and the remainder 80% bond term 25 years capped at 9% floating rate LIBOR I Year plus 8%.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Either the door is open or it is close

It behooves to ask oneself as a citizen in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago what exactly is the best government policy to meet the commonweal. There are only two approaches philosophically :

1. The citizenry of Trinidad and Tobago , you and I are clueless , blind , naked and helpless and require a paternalistic , benevolence that requires our government to penetrate and control all aspects of our living while allowing the illusion of independence , yet not an actual experience. This means that the government is the largest employer , the center of innovation and research, policing all areas of living through state apparatus through a centralized command and control plenary of technocrats and politically friends of the government. This is known as Big Brother and more government is better and socialism and the right of the collective is assumed to be the doing of this type of government.

2. The citizenry of Trinidad and Tobago , you and I are empowered and alert to opportunities and have the wherewith all to exploit such opportunities that allows the individuals of action to thrive and amass great wealth. All requirements for daily living and thriving is in the hands of entrepreneurs who are sensitive to free market competition and the feet votes. The fickleness of consumer loyalty requires that the best is there for the most competitive market price. Change is the name of the game and the casualty count of failure is high as the weak died and the strong lives off the carcasses of failure like the corbeau, scavenging and nothing goes to waste. Less government is more, the private sector is powerful and if the state can craft its revenue collection to be effective , one finds the treasury is amply filled, it is a rich , good , peace society . This type of government thrives on individualism and objectivism.

3. As a politician which of the two gives you the bigger stick , of course the first , cui bono? Politicians are basically legislators , makers of laws and bankers of our national budget. The first system allows the politicians to be everything but a law maker and a banker, to deal making etc. The second system permits the spotlight on good legislation because basically that is all you as a politician is going to be doing, and the second is going out there to insure that your revenue collection system is fair and effective .

4. Which is best for Trinidad and Tobago? I believe that the bewitchment of the first is too great like the Ring of all rings in the Tolkien trilogy Lord of the Rings, to weld that type of power only the simple hearted and those close to nature can carry it and then to ill effect and great pain, but never a political creature be it military or elected by popular vote as our modern politicians and leaders. Truly in my opinion , I am certain that only the second can save Trinidad and Tobago from our politicians and the apparatchik of the existing technological state. But does this GORTT have the gravitas to throw the Ring into the fire, does Karmala have the strenghth of will , does Jack have it , Vasant the inner strengths , how about Carol, what about Keith or Colin , sitting across , Max , what about Max in his sunset and doting years , can he have the presence of mind to design and act in a manner that less is more with respect to the presence and prevalence of Government/state, in the office of President. Had ANR been around knowing what he knows now I believe he could have given the smaller government is better republicanism a viable go , but who is of that clothe in the current pool we have elected /appointed.

5. Why is it necessary to have this discussion now ? There is no time left to correct mistakes, this is it , the next 60 months is going to have an incredible and indelible effect on the society and sovereignty we understand to be Trinidad & Tobago, please do not think that the former Government under Mr.manning where not cognizant of this fact , and owed up to the fact that within and without they were indeed powerless and failing as actors of change , things had gone awry to far for recovery , it was time for change. It is my hope that the change is not going to be more of the same, otherwise the sacrifice of the former government would have been wasted however the blame game would have been deflected to this POP government. Ingenious , brilliant and Machavillian strategy by Mr.Manning , well done.

6. The path forward calls for dismantling the non-core activities of the state and focus only on finances both input and output, security of state within and without, social services and of course education. There is more than enough for any body of gifted legislators to deal with in the above portfolio. Every thing else is divestiture and denationalization and allow the liaise fare market forces to prevail. No Petrotrin, no First Citizen Bank, no UTC , no National Flour Mills , no WASA and no T&TEC are good starts.

Less is more will be our saving grace.


Adrian Matadeen
Vancouver BC
Trinidad WI