Monday, August 16, 2010

Pakistan crisis situation half way in the monsoon period the forecast is 21 million people would jump to 80 million people affected , what can I do ?

The key is access to potable water and temporary shelter, so logistics people and tent manufacturers and water purification need to be mobilized . One ought to expect typhoid , dysentery and cholera as epidemic so target specific medication is required and oral administration the quickest and most effective given ground zero. Food camps /stations for carbo and protein enriched meals in the form of biscuits and gruel is needed. Given that this is predominantly Moslem area sensitivity to haraam foods and drinks must be at the front-line, pork protein is a no good etc. It being the month of Ramdan is also required to be part of the sensitivity training for deployment crew. small watercraft and rotary wing aircraft are a must , so pilots and maintainence crew supporting such needs mobilization. Money is the fuel , and at this level of triage in this region a minimum of 2 billion US is required like yesterday from the UN countries, winning the hearts and minds of moslems Allah has given the world a chance to be compassionate and neighborly to our fellow moslems be us christian, orthodox , catholics, Hindus, Jews , Zoroastrians , or secular, this is how we kill Al-Queda with loving kindness and mercy.